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About me

My name is Sr Lara Torlage, and I am a Registered Nurse

and SA Certified Lactation Consultant.

After being unsuccessful at breastfeeding my only son who is now an adult, and with lack of support, knowledge and ignorance, I now know what I missed out on, and how important perfect latching is for a baby’s wellbeing.

With the heart and compassion for my calling, I strive to assist new mothers on this often challenging journey, to fulfill their dreams. To laugh and cry, as they often do, but to always support them on this precious journey. Seeing a young family blossom and grow throughout their milestones together is an honour and privilege for me.

learn more about our SERVICES

Breastfeeding Antenatal

One-on-one class sessions with expectant parents and separate from birthing. Breastfeeding preparation includes 9 instinctive stages.

Post-natal Examination

Continuous assessment from birth, with weight checks from the first week to reach important milestones. Further assessing of the dyad (mother & baby) for a working feeding schedule.

Immunizations & Vaccinations

Commencing from birth with Government scheduling according to your Road to Health booklet which you receive on discharge.

Private and optional vaccines, only start at 9 months.

Introduction of solids

We can help you to know when baby is ready to start with solids.  From testing for allergies to baby/finger-led weaning.

This is a journey that we embark on from 6 months

The perfect latch

Frequently asked questions

How often should my baby feed?

Baby should feed 8 to 12 times within 24 hours.

Why are my nipples cracked and painful?

Breastfeeding should never hurt! This can be caused by various reasons. I recommend a consultation with dyad (mommy & baby) for a proper assessment.

How do I know my baby is feeding enough?

We ideally looking for transitional stools, from black tarry to soft yellow stools, from day 1to day 5. At least 4-5 stools and urine nappies, in 24 hours onwards from day 5. Together with full breasts before feeds and softer breasts after feeds.

"I struggled with breastfeeding after giving birth to my son. I made an appointment with Sr Lara after my search on Google and she warmly welcomed me in her consulting room with a beautiful smile. She demonstrated how to help my son latch on and how it would feel once he started sucking. I remember when the correct latch happened in my first session with Sr Lara - it felt so amazing and I finally got it right, the struggle was over!

After a good couple of sessions with Sr Lala (as my kids call her), I started enjoying breastfeeding and gradually my son started putting on weight. Sr Lala has further assisted me with my son's vaccinations and introduction of solids, and my daughter's immunizations!

What I appreciate about her is how she always worked with what I was comfortable with - she understood I wanted to keep things natural and respected that."


"Lara het my gehelp en gelei van ’n onseker eerste-keer-mamma na ’n selfversekerde mamma van drie. Ek weet nie of my borsvoedreis so suksesvol sou gewees het as ek nie Lara se hulp, ondersteuning en motivering gehad het nie.  Elke keer as ek onseker was oor iets, het Lara geduldig gehelp en altyd mooi verduidelik wat ek moes doen. Haar vertroue in my, het my al meer in myself laat glo en my geleer om my eie liggaam se vermoëns te vertrou om sodoende van borsvoeding ’n sukses te maak.

Lara se opbouende kritiek het vir seker bygedra dat ek hierdie ekstra voorreg van ma-wees kon bemeester en geniet.

Met elke besoek maak sy seker dat jy as mamma ook emosioneel reg is en verseker jou dat jy ’n goeie werk as mamma doen. Dit het vir my baie beteken, aangesien ons tog so maklik in onsself kan twyfel."



"I met Lara in 2019 when my son was only a week old. I struggled with breastfeeding and just all in all being a new mom. Lara was literally my saving grace.

She was my absolute go to person. She helped us everytime we needed her. Always patient with us as parents and with my son. Always concerned and checking in.

I saw Lara as my pillar of strength and honestly could not have done the "new mom stage" without her. Even though she relocated, she is still there for me whenever I need her advice or opinion on something. - She is sorely missed in the Vaal!"


"As new parents one thing we never regret is meeting Lara. She is amazing at what she does. She's the best lactation consultant and the best person to seek guidance in any other way when it comes to your little one. Our little one struggled to latch and after one visit everything was sorted. 

Lara has such a way to radiate calmness and certainty when it comes to your baby and you as a mom. She is so great at what she does and she's always a phone call away.

She will always go out of her way to help and assist you and your child where necessary. She is the best of the best."


"Daar sal nooit genoeg woorde wees om te beskryf watse goeie sister jy is nie.

Van dag een af, terwyl ek nog swanger was, het jy my nie net laat gemaklik voel nie maar ook die beste raad gegee. Jy het my fisies alles geleer van borsvoed.

Van hoe om te latch tot in met watse druppels.

Ania het van dag een af so mooi gelatch! Elke liewe keer wat ons daar was, was jy so mooi met Ania. Wat net alles beter gemaak het was ook die feit dat jy om gee oor die mamma ook. Jy het gesorg dat alles met my reg ook is. Selfte met die inspuitings en die ondersoeke. Baie deeglik. Beste raad gekry wat ek kan doen na die tyd! Jy het ons altyd daar laat uitloop met die grootste glimlag en n geruste hart!


Ek sal jou hoogs aanbeveel vir mammas!"


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Lara 82 337 9911

17 Gloucester Avenue,

George Central, 

Western Cape,


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